Review of the Conference on Underwater Archaeology. Anzio - Paradiso
Sul Mare (30th - 31st May, 1st June 1996)
This year the
town of Anzio gave host to the Conference of Underwater Archaeology, the
latter being promoted by the Italian Association of Underwater Archaeologists
(A.I.A. SUB). This years congress, presented a whole series of interesting
communications which furnished a whole panorama of results derived from
marine archeaological research. The Anzio meeting was not only a series
of rigorous contributions, but also an occasion to confront many key problems
pertaining to methodology and site protection. The review given here deals
only with those papers concerning methodology and excavations of the post-classical
period. For all other contributions, the reader should consult the forthcoming
publication. The themes chosen for debate were far from monotonous. Besides
studies of the finds taken off the sea bed, the attention of the symposiasts
was focused firmly on many other broad inter-related themes, for example,
the reconstruction of trade routes and the various types of craft used
in antiquity. Concerning the latter, S. Medas gave a paper entitled "Imbarcazioni
monossili: letteratura antica e archeologia," in which he states
that the aforementioned vessel was rowed on rivers and lakes but could
also be used at sea with the aid of a sail. By means of a thorough analysis
of the antique sources, the author was able to conclude that this particular
type of boat was in use from Early Pre-Historic times right up into modern
times, and in so doing, underlines the technical and cultural continuity
traceable in boat building throughout this period.
The paper of C. Beltrame, entitled 'Distribuzione dei reperti e riconoscimento
dei processi formativi del relitto,' adopts a methodological approach
when highlighting errors current in marine archaeology. One apparently
is the tendency amongst archaeologists to consider their finds purely
in the light of their intrinsic value, and not in the historical context
in which they are found. The author highlights the importance of attempting
to isolate the actual causes and dynamics of shipwrecks, underlining the
need for careful excavation and prudent data interpretation in furthering
these ends. As a result, he laments the serious lack of attention and
negligence in exploring the various ways in which these vessels succumbed
and sank. This oversight, according to Beltrame, is in part attributable
to a certain school of archaeological thought which reveals itself little
inclined towards tackling these important methodological questions, and
equally to poor excavation technique. As a consequence, a more rigorous
adoption of stratigraphic method is called.
Particularly crisp and incisive was the communication of G. Volpe, entitled
'Dieci anni di ricerca a Hyeres in Provence,' written in co-operation
with L. Long. This paper gives a detailed picture of the finds so far
brought to light in Provence. The research here presented was conducted
by the Dipartimento di Studi Classici e Cristiani dell'Universitŕ di Bari
in collaboration with DRASSM (Département des recherches subaquatiques
et sous-marines de Marseille.) It shows a series of wrecks, one of which
was identified as a Sixth Century A.D. cargo vessel. Of particular interest
was the discovery of a wooden chest containing weighing scales and weights
of Justin II. The speaker also explained that this research took place
during a student training excavation, something which, the speaker sadly
adds, one rarely encounters in marine archaeology. Volpe does not hesitate
to draw attention to the fact that, more often than not, on under water
sites, the didactic aspect is either swept aside or hardly entered upon.
The paper given by S. Bargagliotti, entitled 'Vasi per la pesca del polpo,'
deals exclusively with the subject of material culture. On the basis of
a comparative study, he suggests an early medieval date for a group of
pottery which was perhaps destined in this period for use in the fishing
of octopus.
The communication of R.Silvetti and V. Gavini, entitled 'Ricerche sub-acquee
nella Sardegna Nord -Occidentale (1992-95)', describes the excavation
of wreck 'B' datable to the end of the Fifteenth Century, located off
the coast of Alghero (SS). Of the material brought to light, attention
was drawn to various pieces of course woven cloth found inside a container
and a number of cloth covered bone buttons. Also recovered were pieces
of slip wares and small glazed pitchers.
The establishment of a good working relationship between archaeology and
computerised technology by M. D'Agostino and L. Fozzati has led to the
creation a computerised archaeological map. This communication entitled
'Venezia: territorio sommerso e tutela,' deals with a project concerning
the submerged sites in the Venetian Lagoon, the first of its kind in the
field of marine archaeology. The advantages offered by the use of computer
technology in the collection and treatment of data are clearly evident,
rendering the collected information more accessible.
The series of communications drawing to a close, a short film was presented
in memory of N. Lamboglia, showing some of the many marine excavations
carried out during his directorship of the 'Centro Sperimentale di Albenga.'
F. Pallarés recalled how this archaeologist in his daily work constantly
applied himself with great energy to all the numerous problems in marine
archaeological research.
A round-table composed of both symposiasts and journalists concluded the
conference. P.A. Gianfrotta criticised the way in which archaeological
finds are often portrayed by the press, emphasising their purely economic
value to the detriment of their cultural and historic interest. Past experience
has shown that this effectively incites further covert and illegal digging
on the part of private individuals. On the theme of marine site protection,
the desire was expressed for more public awareness concerning the need
to preserve sites and guard against their violation.
Elisabetta Garau