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British School at Rome, Archeology and History Lecture Programme-Spring 1998

-February 5th, 18.00 Gian-Pietro Brogiolo (Università di Padova) Castra e città tra V e VIII secolo nell' Italia settentrionale
- February 13th, 18.00 Bryan Ward-Perkins (Trinity College, Oxford) Should we abandon the idea of a "Dark Age" after the fall of the Roman Empire?
-February 18th, 18.00 Paul Arthur (Università degli Studi di Lecce) Byzantine settlement from western Turkey to southern Puglia

-February 27th-28th A workshop on "Further Approaches to Regional Archaeology in the Middle Tiber Valley

Day 1 - Friday 27th February 1998
Session One: Urbanismo
Chairpersons - Elizabeth Fentress (American Academy in Rome) (second chairperson to be confirmed)

15.00 Francesco Di Gennaro (Soprintendenza Archeoiogicadi Roma) Crustumerium
15.20 Alessandro Guidi (Università di Verona) & Paola Santoro (Centro di Archeologia Etrusca-Italica) Centri del!a Sabina tiberina in epoca pre-romana
15.40 Gilda Bartoloni (Università di Roma, La Sapienza) & Giovanni Colonna (Università di Roma, La Sapienza) Veii
16.10 Maria Fenelli (Istituto Topografia Antica) e Marcello Guaitoli (Università di Lecce) Veii
16.30 Coffee Break
17.00 Sirnon Keay (University of Southampton), Martin Millett (University of Durham), & Jeremy Taylor (University of Durham) Falerii Novi
17.20 Vincent Gaffney (University of Birmingham), Helen Patterson (BSR), & Paul Roberts (British Museum) Forum Novurn / Vescovio
17.40 Discussion

Day 2 - Saturday 28th February 1998
Session Two: Production, Consumption and Exchange & Communication Networks
Chairpersons - Simon Keay (University of Southampton)(second chairperson to be confirmed)

9.30 Andrea Zifferero(Parco Archeologico Minerario di 5. Silvestro) Produzione e consumo della ceramica pre-romana, elementi per un ricerca
9.50 Janet Detaine (University of Reading) The supply of building materials to the city of Rome
10.10 Ray Laurence (University of Reading) Roman roads in the Tiber Valley: questions of paving and quarrying
10.30 Tim Potter (British Musetun) Aquaviva, a Roman road station in South Etruria
10.50 Coffee Break
11.20 Helen Patterson (BSR), Paul Roberts (British Museum) & Alessia Rovelli (Istituto Storico per il Medioevo) Ceramics and coins in the middie Tiber Valley from the late Imperial period to the early Middie Ages
11.40 Tersilio Leggio (Provincia di Rieti) Il Tevere e le vie di terra nell 'altomedioevo
12.00 Discussion
13.00 Lunch

Session Three: Historical Perspectives
Chairpersons -Paolo Delogu (Università di Roma, La Sapienza) & Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (BSR)

14.30 John Patterson (University of Cambridge) City, territory and metropolis: the case of the Tiber Valley
14.50 Nicola Terrenato (University of Durham) The romanisation of Falerii
15.10 Vincenzo Fiocchi Nicolai (University of Rome, Tor Vergata) Cimiteri paleocristiani e insediamenti nella media valle del Tevere
15.30 Orsola Amore & Susanna Passigli (Dip. di Studi sulle Società e le Culture del Medioevo,Università di Roma, La Sapienza) L' altomedioevo
15.50 Discussion
16.20 Conclusion - Tim Potter (British Museum)

-April 1st, 18.00 Riccardo Francovich (Università degli Studi di Siena) Potere signorile e insediamenti fortificati in Toscana: una proposta archeologica

Valeria Beolchini

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