"Routes of pilgrimage: material and environmental aspects", III seminar (June 30th-July 3rd 1998), Montaione (FI) The lessons in the morning are: Routes from Rome to Jerusalem: problems about topographic identification (L. Pani Ermini) The martyrial shrines at Rome in the Late Antiquity and Middle Ages (P. Pergola) Routes of pilgrimage in the Southern Italy, from the Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages (G. Roma) Material trasformations in some pilgrimage sites in the Northern Italy (G. Ferri Piccaluga) The routes of memory in the building of Medieval churches (M. Bini) Hospital structures along the pilgrimage routes (P. Caucci Von Saucken) From the object's sacredness to the pilgrim's ritual (M. Miglio). P.S: For further informations please contact the Centro Internazionale di Studi "La "Gerusalemme" di San Vivaldo", piazza del Municipio, 1 50050 Montaione (FI), tel. 0571/699252; fax 0571/699256. Francesca Zagari