The vastness
and complexity - in chronological and cultural terms - of the Middle Ages
offers infinite possibilities of research, discussion, reading and discoveries,
to which SPOLIA would like to offer a key, in particular on Italian and
Roman themes.
If we try to define
the history of medieval art as that branch of knowledge which lies between
archeology (with a capital A, therefore classical archeology) and the
absolute dominium of names, artistic personalities, and biographies which
constituted the history of modern art (from the Renaissance to the XIX
century), then the Middle Ages appear before our eyes as a unique occasion
to speak about IMAGES and to be guided by them in the discovery of people,
ideas, places, things, forms and functions.
Therefore, we must
try to examine the Middle Ages with a "historicized" eye, but also imagine
it with the eye of the "medieval man" (to quote Le Goff!). We must also
realize that all the images that can be generically defined as "art" were
not created to be "seen" in the same way: the figurative production included,
for instance, ephemeral apparata of political propaganda destined to be
kept hidden or destroyed, as well as images-non images, objects of pure
light such as goldsmithery and stained glass or, even, images-images such
as icons in which the portrayed subject absorbed and annulled in its votive
and lithurgic hyper-functionality all aesthetic involvement; another aspect
which is often forgotten is the taste for ornate surroundings, that is,
interior design: suffice it to say that bare walls and exposed brickwork
were an exception.
Therefore, what
is proposed here is almost a history of images and of the image of Rome
in the Middle Ages. The circle is closed and we are back at SPOLIA's logo...
Simona Manacorda