Conferences October and November 1996 Among the conferences which dealt with the history of arabic philosophy we can report the meeting at the University of Trieste (from 19 to 20 september) : "La diffusione dell'ereditą classica nella etą tardo antica e medievale. Fonti e modi di trasmisione". Carmela Baffioni (Napoli) has spoken about the elaboration of classical authors in the Risāla al-gāmi°a of the Ikhwān al-Safā', Yusuf Habbi (Bagdad) has spoken about the work of Ibn Hayyam; Giuseppe Serra (Padova) has presented a study on the tradition of Aristotle's De generatione e corruptione in the K. al-tasrīf attributed to Gābir; Patrizia Spallino (Napoli) has offered the first result of her study about the question of metaphysics in the Sicilian Questions of Ibn Sab°īn. The acts of the conferences will be soon published. We remeber that an international Congress about Arab Christians ("Les Chrétiens du Monde Arabe") will take place at the Intstitut du Monde Arabe (Paris) from 14 to 16 november. Two authors will deal with philosophy: Samīr Khalīl Samīr who will discuss about the philosophical and theological debate between Christians and Muslims in the Abbasid period and Muhsin Mahdi who will examine the influence of Nestorianism on islamic philosophy. M. Zonta (Venezia) will speak about the influence of islamic philosophy on jewish philosophy : Napoli - Istituto Universitario Orientale - 22, 25, 26, 28 november 1996. For further information: Segreteria Scuola di Studi Islamici - te. 081/ 7605607. Olga Lizzini