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International Conference on New Educational Enviroments, Lugano, May 8-12. Call for Papers

General Information

Scope of the Event

Objectives: The conference will provide a presentation and discussion platform for new educational environments and their application. The organising committee is committed to giving an overview of the state of the art as well as upcoming trends, and to promoting discussion about the pedagogical potential of new learning and educational technologies both in the academic and corporate world. The focus of the conference will be on technological, pedagogical, networking, and community building innovation. 

Concept: In order to foster discussion the Conference will combine both paper presentations and tools demonstrations. The beginning of the conference is reserved for presentations of selected Swiss Virtual Campus projects. In the evening of the second conference day a panel discussion on conference topics will be organised, with prominent experts taking part. 

Tradition: The 4th international conference on new educational environments is the fourth of a series of conferences on similar topics organized by eduswiss and its partners. More information on previous conferences is available at http://www.eduswiss.ch/2nd-conf or http://www.eduswiss.ch/3rd-conf.

Language: The official conference language is English.


Contributions to the following topics will be given higher priority:

General Issues

  • E-learning in the information society 
  • Virtual campus 
  • Quality assessment in open and distance education 
  • Organizational, legal and financial issues 
  • Social impact 
  • Education and globalisation 

Pedagogical & Didactical Issues

  • Multilingual learning environments 
  • Collaborative learning 
  • Coaching & tutoring 
  • Active & interactive learning 
  • Knowledge and skills in virtual environments 

Technological Issues

  • Web-based courseware 
  • Online vs. Offline 
  • Educational multimedia 
  • 3D Environments 
  • On the teachers' side: authoring tools 

Particularly welcome are contributions describing projects that run within the SOCRATES program, the LEONARDO program, the 5th European framework program or other international programs.

Call for Papers and Exhibitions

Individuals or teams are invited to submit a preliminary paper for publication in the proceedings which will be published by the organising committee.
Individuals or teams may also wish to exhibit their work.
One copy of each preliminary paper (suitable for evaluation of the scientific merit of the proposal and no more than three pages in length) or preliminary exhibit description must be submitted before October 30th 2001 to the 'Conference Secretariat'. 

The following information must be provided on the first page:

  • Designation - "Paper" or "Exhibition". 
  • Title of the paper and authors. 
  • Full name and full address (incl. e-mail, fax, phone) of one author for correspondence. 
  • Max. 5 keywords (or discipline(s)). 
  • For an exhibition the space and equipment requirements . 
  • For a paper, an abstract of the paper. 

Please do not exceed 3 pages for your preliminary paper. 

Key Dates Of The Conference

30 October, 2001 Deadline for preliminary paper submission

31 December, 2001 Notice of Approva

28 February, 2002 Deadline for full manuscript submission

Submission of full manuscript must include valid conference registration.

Registration Fees (in Swiss Francs) 

1 SFR approx. 0.7 US $ 

up to 15 March 

after 15 March 







Participant fee includes proceedings, banquet and lunches; student fee includes proceedings and lunches. All payments should be sent to the following address:

UBS account 235 - 666503.M2 T / BC 235


The conference will be held at the campus of the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano.
Lugano is connected to the Swiss Intercity-Train system and to the Lugano-Agno international airport. A shuttle service between the conference location and the railway station/airport will be available.

    Conference Address

Federico Flueckiger (Conference Chair)

4th Conference on NEE Secretariat

University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI)

Galleria 2, Via Cantonale, CH-6928 Manno / TI, Switzerland

Voice: +41 91 610 85 80, Email: federico.flueckiger@dir.supsi.ch, Fax: +41 91 610 85 81 

Steering Committee

Marco Baggiolini, President University of Lugano
Fulvio Caccia, President of the Federal Commission of Communication
Pascal Couchepin, Federal Councillor
Eric Fumaux, Director OPET
Charles Kleiber, States Secretary for Science and Research
Edo Poglia, President SUPSI
Eddo Rigotti, Dean of Communication Faculty of University of Lugano
Angelo Rossi, Director of SUPSI
Francis Waldvogel, President ETH Council

Scientific Committee 

Peter Schulz, University of Lugano, Switzerland (Chair)
Omar Abou Khaled, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
Gudrun Bachmann, University of Basel, Switzerland
Andréa Belliger, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Elena Besozzi, Università Cattolica, Milano, Italy
Torsten Braun, University of Berne, Switzerland
Sergio Brofferio, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Jean-Paul Bronckart, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Lorenzo Cantoni, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Vittoria Cesari, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Mauro Ciappa, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Gerald Collaud, New Technology Center, Switzerland
Gordon Davies, Open University, United Kingdom
Antoine Delley, ICTnet Fribourg, Switzerland
Pierre Dillenbourg, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Martin Eppler, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Federico Flueckiger, SUPSI Manno, Switzerland
Dino Giuli, University of Florence, Italy
Sahure Gonca-Telli, Maltepe University Istanbul, Turkey
Anna Grabowska, TU Gdansk, Poland
Ronald Greber, University of Berne, Switzerland
François Grin, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Johann Günther, Danube University of Krems, Austria
Jean-Luc Gurtner, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Mehdi Jazayeri, TU Vienna, Austria
Seraina Kind, IGIP, Switzerland
David Krieger, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Bernard Levrat, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Kurt Maly, Old Dominion University, USA
Heinz Mandl, University of Munich, Germany
Djordje Maric, CSCS, Manno, Switzerland
Mauro Martinoni, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Elaine McMurray, EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
Alain Mercier, University of Paris, France
Jacques Monnard, Virtual Campus Switzerland
Lorenz Müller, eduswiss Berne, Switzerland
Andreas Ninck, Forum New Learning, Switzerland
Thomas Ottmann, Universität Freiburg, Germany
Olle Palm, EUDILNET, Sweden
Paolo Paolini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Jose Maria Perez-Fernandez, University of Granada, Spain
Jean-François Perret, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Edo Poglia, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Giambattista Ravano, SUPSI Manno, Switzerland
Franz Reichl, TU Vienna, Austria
Fiorenzo Scaroni, SUPSI Manno, Switzerland
Walter Schaufelberger, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Gerhard Schmitt, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Maria Luisa Schubauer-Leoni, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dieter Schuerch, ISPFP, Lugano, Switzerland
Rolf Schulmeister, University of Hamburg, Germany
Peter Stucki, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Mary Thorpe, Open University, United Kingdom
Joachim Wedekind, University of Tübingen, Germany
Martina Zitterbart, University of Karlsruhe, Germany   

Organising Committee 

Karin Waefler, eduswiss Berne, Switzerland (Co-Chair)
Luca Botturi, University of Lugano, Switzerland (Co-chair)
Carlo Lepori, SUPSI Manno, Switzerland (Co-Chair)
Federico Flückiger, SUPSI Manno, Switzerland
Christine Jutz, eduswiss Berne, Switzerland
Benedetto Lepori, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Riccardo Mazza, University of Lugano, Switzerland,
Ines Montali-Zürcher, Breganzona, Switzerland
Giambattista Ravano, SUPSI Manno, Switzerland
Sabrina Zanfrini, SUPSI Manno, Switzerland

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