Arabic and Judaic Influences in and around Dante Alighieri. Call for Papers London, 7 December 2001 Dear Friends, As you know, we are now planning a full-scale Conference on the theme of ARABIC AND JUDAIC INFLUENCES IN AND AROUND DANTE ALIGHIERI. This follows the very successful Seminar which we held in Cambridge in April 2001. The plan is to hold the forthcoming Conference at the University of Ca' Foscari, Venice, in September 2002. There is some difficulty with the dates, which need to take account of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the start of University terms. After consultation
with various people, we have decided to follow an unusual The Conference will be held on the WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 11th and 12th SEPTEMBER. Put it in your diaries! It is possible, for the sake of people who cannot make a mid-week event, that we shall hold a run-on discussion on SATURDAY 14th SEPTEMBER. This will be decided at a later date. A further letter will be sent in the New Year, providing more details about the programme etc. IF YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE CONFERENCE, could I ask you to notify me as soon as possible at the above address. IF YOU INTERESTED IN PRESENTING A PAPER AT THE CONFERENCE, could I also ask you to write as soon as possible. Papers are welcome in all disciplines and all associated fields. With best regards, Ed Emery (ed.emery@britishlibrary.net) |