Il testo assonanzato franco-italiano della Chanson de Roland: cod.
Marciano fr.IV (=225) edizione interpretativa e glossario a cura di Carlo
Beretta, Pavia, Università degli Studi di Pavia, 1995
We would like
to inform of the publication, in the "Collana del dipartimento di
Scienze della Letteratura e dell'Arte medioevale e moderna dell'Università
degli Studi di Pavia", of the volume Il testo assonanzato franco-italiano
della Chanson de Roland: cod. Marciano fr. IV (=224) edizione interpretativa
e glossario a cura di Carlo Beretta, Pavia, Università degli Studi di
Pavia, 1995. The edition, which is defined by its title and interpretative
(not critical) introduction, intends to "give as faithful as possible
an image of the diasystem constituted by the text of V4 alone, therefore
respecting all the characteristics that probably derive from the superimposition
of the systems that generated it" (pp. XXI). The introductory pages
thus concentrate on the data relative to the manuscript in question, tackling
the problems of linguistics, dating and history, indicating previous editions
and dwelling upon the text proposed by this codex. However, the whole
problem of the textual criticism of the Chanson is not ignored, as proved
by the sections of the "Bibliography" (pp. XLI-LXIII) devoted
to witnesses and critical reconstructions of the poem (pp. XLI-XLIII).
The volume is completed by an accurate "Glossary" (pp.383-651)
and "Index of names" ("Proper nouns of people, animals
or things", pp.657-678 and "Place names", pp.679-692),
both deriving from an accurate linguistic analysis which is particularly
attentive to the studies of Holtus 1.
1 In particular
Holtus G., Lexikalische Untersuchungen zur Interferenz. Die franko-italienische
"Entrée d'Espagne", Tübingen, M. Niemeyer, 1979.
Teresa Nocita