With this section
we propose to provide information on new bibliographies, conferences,
graduation and doctorate dissertations, completed studies and those still
in progress, relating to Italian literary language and vernaculars in
the Middle Ages.
We believe that
the dichotomy referred to - literary texts and non-literary texts - even
though based on a single category, literacy, the subject of critical debate
in the quite recent past, can nevertheless represent a valid organisation
of the subject. However, there is no reason why further sub-divisions
cannot eventually be introduced.
As regards the
time scale, we believe that it would be useless to set rigid chronological
limits, especially for non-literary texts which, even when they fall into
the Cinquecento, can provide valuable information on the medieval period
of vernaculars, by virtue of the fact that they were less receptive to
the increasing influence of Tuscan than literary texts.
It is obvious that
this type of information increases with the contributions of all those
wishing to take part; the more there are, the more updated, rich and varied
the information will be. We therefore invite you to write to this section
of SPOLIA and, in particular, to send news on current research, which
we will compile here in a national and international information archive.
Leonardo Rossi