Manuscripts and Libraries in the Carolingian World, Villa Barberini, Piazza San Pietro, 25-29 May 2003 Monday, 26 May 2003, 900-1300, 1500-1800 CODICES SAEC. VIII-IX Nick Everett, Harvard University - Scripts and manuscripts in Lombard Italy Birgit Ebersperger, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften - Editing Bernhard Bischoff's Katalog of Carolingian Manuscripts Michael Allen, University of Chicago - Scribes, scholars and texts at Frechulf's scriptorium at Lisieux Wesley Stevens, University of Winnipeg - Pal. lat. 1447 and Pal. lat. 1448: Tempora unde dicta sunt? Elke Krotz, Universität München - Tironisches Wissen turonischer Schüler Martina Pantarotto, Milano - Un manoscritto della collezione canonica pseudo-isidoriana nella Brescia carolingia, B II 13 Harold Andrew Siegel III, University of Notre Dame - The Library and Manuscripts of Emperor Lothar I Tuesday, 27 May 2003, 1500-1800 Natalia Lozovsky, Indiana University - Education and Ideology in Carolingian Geographical Manuscripts Laura Pani, Università di Udine - Alcuni codici di presunta origine italo-settentrionale dell'Historia Langobardorum di Paolo Diacono Vladimir Mazhuga, Institute for History, Russian Academy of Sciences - Trois fragments carolingiens peu connus à Saint-Pétersbourg Paul J.E. Kershaw, University of Virginia - Bede's Historia Ecclesiastica and Berne 363 Wednesday, 28 May 2003, 1500-1800 CODICES SAEC. X-XI Michael Gorman, Milan - Manuscript books at Monte Amiata in the Eleventh Century Arianna Ciula, Università di Siena - I codici dell'abbazia di San Eugenio di Siena Donatella Frioli, Università di Trento - La biblioteca di Vallombrosa nell'XI secolo Ernesto Stagni, Università di Pisa - Manoscritti, biblioteche e tradizioni da ricostruire: sguardi sul passato dalle postille di un erudito francese del sec. XIII Thursday, 29 May 2003, 1500-1800 ART HISTORY Kevanne Kirkwood, University of Delaware - An Irish theological miscellany from Bobbio, Milan F 60 sup. Heather Pulliam, Western Kentucky University -The Decorated Initials of the Corbie Psalter Barbara Baert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - The Iconography of the Discovery of the True Cross: Gellone, Vercelli and Wessobrunn: Identity, Context, Function Fabrizio Crivello, Università di Torino - Manoscritti e legature preziose alla corte di Eberardo del Friuli The conference fee is euro 250 per person, which covers five nights and six days (all meals and a room) in Villa Barberini in Piazza San Pietro. The event is sponsored by The Medieval Institute at the University of Notre Dame and by the Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum. Michael Gorman |