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LITERATURE, PHILOLOGY AND COMPUTERS. An international seminar, University of Edinburgh, 7-9 September 1998

LITERATURE, PHILOLOGY AND COMPUTERS. An international seminar. University of  Edinburgh. School of European Languages and Cultures (Italian). 7-9 September 1998. http://www.ed.ac.uk/~esit04/seminar.htm

The seminar is running back-to-back with DRH98 in Glasgow, and offers an excellent opportunity to flavour the best of the European school of Humanities Computing (see programme below) combined with a visit to
Scotland's historic capital city.
Conference fees: £35 per person (academic) / £25 (associated institutions) / £15 (post-graduate). This includes a buffet lunch on 8
Venue: Edinburgh University, Adam Ferguson Building, George Square.
For more information please contact either Dr Anna Middleton at Anna.Middleton@ed.ac.uk or Domenico Fiormonte at



Monday 7 September 1998
1pm - 2pm Registration in Room G.10, Adam Ferguson Building, George Square, Edinburgh
2pm Opening remarks by Prof. Sir Stewart Sutherland, Principal of the University of Edinburgh
2.15pm - 5pm Session 1 - The New Electronic Textuality
Willard McCarty (King's College London, U. K.), "What is humanities computing?"
Lou Burnard (University of Oxford, U. K.), "Hermeneutical implications of text encoding".
Fabio Ciotti (University of Rome, Italy), "Text encoding as a theoretic language for literary text analysis."

Tuesday 8 September
10am - 12.30am Session 2a - Philology and Computers
Antonio Zampolli, (University of Pisa, CNR, Italy), "Towards the Consensual Standard for Natural Language Processing".
Francisco Marcos-Maron (Universidad Aut< is Electronic Philology going? Present and future of a discipline."
Allen Renear (Brown University, USA), "Text Ontology and Edition Philology -- Facing the Hard Questions."
Claire Warwick (University of Oxford, U. K.), " 'Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.' Scholarly editing in the digital age".
2.30pm - 5.30pm Session 2b - Philology and Computers
David Robey (Manchester University, U. K.), "Problems of computer-based stylistics: the structure of sounds in the Divine
Mirko Tavoni (University of Pisa, Italy), "The Italian library online: the CIBIT project."
Giuseppe Gigliozzi (University of Rome, Italy) "Researching and Teaching Italian Literature in the Digital Era: the CRILet Project".
Massimo Guerrieri (University of Rome, Italy), "Towards a new edition of Eugenio Montale's I mottetti: electronic variants and statistical analysis."
Francesca Coraggio (University of Rome, Italy), "Computer-based analysis of semantic patterns in Antonio Tabucchi's Notturno indiano."

Wednesday 9 September
10am - 12.30pm Session 3 - Hypertext and Web Projects
Federico Pellizzi (University of Bologna, Italy), "Hypertext as a critical discourse."
Elisabeth Burr (University of Duisburg, Germany), "Teaching Romance Linguistics with On-line French, Italian and Spanish Corpora."
Lars Erik Holmquist and Staffan Bjork (Viktoria Institute, Sweden), "Showing overview and detail in Digital Variants: the Focus+Context Browser."
Licia Calvi, (University of Antwerp, Belgium), "The Post-Modern Web: An Experimental Setting."


Domenico Fiormonte -- Conference Organiser
Seminar web page:
University of Edinburgh, School of Modern Languages (Italian)
David Hume Tower, George Square
EH8 9JX  -- United Kingdom
Fax: 131-650-6536
E-mail: itadfp@srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk
or mc9809@mclink.it

Domenico Fiormonte

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