ARABIC AND JUDAIC INFLUENCES IN AND AROUND DANTE ALIGHIERI This letter is to ask whether you would be interested to present a paper at the above Conference, to be held in Venice on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th September 2002, at the University of Ca' Foscari. As a result of the seminar which we held in Cambridge in Spring 2001 we are in contact with a network of independent researchers all around the world who are working in this general area. This letter is being sent to all of you. My apologies for the fact that it is a rather formal letter. The Conference will take place over two days and we hope to cover a variety of areas, ranging from poetry to philosophy, from music to architecture, from medicine to cooking. We ask contributors to speak for 20 minutes, but papers of any length can be presented and circulated at the Conference in printed form. Once again we are intending to publish a book of the proceedings. If you would like to PRESENT A PAPER, could I ask you to send me your proposed title, to be followed at a later date by a brief abstract (400 words max.). If you would like to ATTEND THE CONFERENCE in a non-speaking capacity, please send me your name, address etc, so that you can be registered for attendance. There is no
charge for attending this Conference. Admission is free to all The details of the Cambridge 2001 seminar are contained on our website at http://www.geocities.com/DanteStudies Looking forward to hearing from you, Ed Emery Conference Organiser |