Gautier de Coincy, Miracles de la Vierge. Texts and Manuscripts, 20-21 March, 2004, 202 Frick Fine Arts Building, University of Pittsburgh St Petersburg, NLR, MS Fr.F.v.XIV.9 , f. 138 (reproduced by permission) Sous les auspices de l'Université de Pittsburgh (Honors College, West Euopean Studies Program, University Center for International Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program, Departments of English, French and Italian, History, History of Art and Architecture, Music, Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Visual Information Systems Center) et l'Université de Missouri, Kansas City (Graduate School, Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures) Saturday 20 March 9h Welcome and Introduction, Alison Stones (University of Pittsburgh) and Kathy Krause (University of Missouri, Kansas City) 9h 10 - 10h30: Les Miracles dans les Manuscrits Moderator: Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski Karen Duys: "Book Design and the Figure of the Author" Olivier Collet: "La tradition manuscrite des Miracles et le genre de l'oeuvre" 10h45 - 12h15: Miracle et Religion Moderator: Kathy Krause Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski: "Gautier and the Typologie of Childbirth Miracles" Laurel Broughton: "Incarnational Piety in Gautier's Miracles of the Virgin" Yasmina Foehr-Janssens: "Histoire poétique du péché: de quelques figures littéraires de la faute dans les Miracles" 1h45-3h15: Femmes et Images Moderator: Bruce Venarde Nancy Black: "Images of the Virgin Mary in the Soissons Manuscript (B.N. n. a. fr. 24541)" Kathy Krause: "Imagining Women in the Miracles" Alison Stones: "The Artistic Context of Some Miracles Manuscripts" 3h30-4h30: Gautier et les mots Moderator: Barbara Sargent-Baur Pierre Kunstmann: "L'annominatio chez Gautier: vocabulaire et syntaxe" Robert Clark: "Gautier's Wordplay as Devotional Ecstasy" Sunday 21 March 9h15-11h: Gautier et les autres Moderator: Mary Lewis Adrian Tudor: "Telling the Same Tale? The Miracles de Nostre Dame and the Vie des Pères" Frédéric Billiet: "L'adaptation musicale dans l'oeuvre de Gautier de Coincy" Brian J. Levy: "Or escoutez une merveille!' Parallel Paths: Gautier's Miracles and the Fabliaux" 11h15-12h15: Table Ronde Discussion by all participants, led by Ardis Butterfield These events are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Alison Stones (mastones@hotmail.com or 412 648 2420).