Manuscript Books in the Early Middle Ages (saec. VI-XI). An informal forum for the presentation and discussion of research in Latin palaeography Villa Barberini, Piazza San Pietro -- 30 May - 3 June 2004 Monday, 31 May 2004 7.30-8.30: Breakfast at Villa Barberini Michael Gorman presiding 9.00: Maximilian Diesenberger, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - An Archbishop's Compilers: The Salzburg Scriptorium under Arn, c. 800 9.45: Beat von Scarpatetti, Università di Basilea - Cambiamento di scrittura a San Gallo all'inizio del secolo nono: «politico» o culturale? 10.30-10.45: Coffee break 10.45: Nicholas Everett, University of Toronto - Pacificus of Verona: not even a marginal figure? 11.30: Thomas Falmagne, Universität Frankfurt - Où ont été écrits les manuscrits d'Echternach du IXe siècle? 13.00: Lunch at Villa Barberini Walter Pohl presiding 15.00: Michael Gorman, Milan - The List of Works in the Codex Diezianus and the Myth of Charlemagne's Library 15.45: Laura Pani, Università di Udine - I più antichi testimoni dell'Historia Langobardorum di Paolo Diacono: sulle tracce della prima diffusione dell'opera 16.30-17.00: Coffee break 17.00: Michael I. Allen, University of Chicago - Common hands and scribal techniques in three manuscripts from Lisieux, c. 830 17.45: Helmut Reimitz, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften - History, historiographical compendia and the social logic of the text: The writing and dissemination of Frankish history in the later Carolingian Empire 20.00: Dinner at La Veranda, hosted by The University of Notre Dame and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Tuesday, 1 June 2004 7.30-8.30: Breakfast at Villa Barberini 9.30-12.00 biblioteca nazionale centrale 9.30: Margherita Breccia Fratadocchi, BNC, Roma - Presentazione della mostra: I manoscritti del VI-XI sec. posseduti dalla Biblioteca Nazionale 10.00: Francesca Niutta, BNC, Roma - Per una biblioteca digitale nonantolana 10.30: Maria Pia Blasi, BNC, Roma - Dalla carolina di tipo romano alla romanesca nello scriptorium di Farfa: Analisi dei codd. Farf. 29, Farf. 32, Farf. 27 11.00: Maria Gabriella Critelli, BNC, Roma - Il Vittorio Emanuele 1630: tra beneventana e carolina 11.30: Livia Martinoli, BNC, Roma - Censimenti e descrizioni di manoscritti in MANUS 13.00: Lunch at Villa Barberini Beat von Scarpatetti presiding 15.00: Martina Pantarotto, Università di Torino - Il contributo del Nord Italia nella storia delle collezioni canoniche: un manoscritto di Agilulfo con la Dionysiana Bobiensis 15.30: Gabriella Pomaro, Università di Firenze - Il «salterio di S. Romualdo»: proposte di provenienza e di datazione 16.00: Francesca Trasselli, Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico, Roma - Codici provenienti dalla biblioteca di San Salvatore a Settimo 16.30-17.00: Coffee break 1700: Anthony Adams, University of Toronto - The Manuscript Tradition of Abbo of St Germain's Bella Parisiacae urbis 17.30: Harold Andrew Siegel III, University of Notre Dame - 18.00: Erik Petersen, The Royal Library, Copenhagen - On-line and off-line observations on some pre-1000 manuscripts in the Royal Library, Copenhagen 20.00: Dinner at Villa Barberini Wednesday, 2 June 2004 7.30-8.30: Breakfast at Villa Barberini Jos Hermans presiding 9.00: Jos Hermans, Department of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - Writing Greek in Latin manuscripts: Copying Aulus Gellius in the ninth century 9.30: Kevanne Kirkwood, University of Delaware - Bobbio and the Book of Durrow: A note on the Turin Gospels and related fragments in Turin and Milan 10.00: Elke Krotz, Universität München - Priscians Institutiones grammaticae: Textgeschichte und Glossierung im frühen Mittelalter 10.30-11.00: Coffee break 11.00: John F. Petruccione, Catholic University of America - Syntax glosses in a ninth-century manuscript of Prudentius' Peristephanon, Reg. lat. 321 11.30: Brian Møller Jensen, University of Stockholm - Codex Angelicus 123 as a liturgical manuscript 12.00: Nicola Tangari, Università di Lecce - Musical and Liturgical Aspects of some Manuscript Books from Troia now in the Biblioteca Nazionale in Naples 13.00: Lunch at Villa Barberini 15.00-19.00 The gardens of the Quirinal Palace, the official residence of the President of the Italian Republic, are open to the public on this day once a year, from 15.00 until 19.00. The Vatican Library is not closed. Thursday, 3 June 2004 7.30-8.30: Breakfast at Villa Barberini Barbara Baert presiding 15.00: Barbara Baert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Hrabanus Maurus and the Image of Heraclius: The Depiction of the Exultation of the Cross in the Mont St Michel Sacramentary, Pierpont Morgan M.641 15.45: Lieve Watteeuw, Department of Art History, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven & Manuscript Department, Royal Library, Brussels - A case study in material conservation and illuminating techniques: Brussels 10066-10077, Prudentius, Psychomachia and Physiologus 16.30: Beate Fricke, Universität Trier - The Depiction of idolatry in Paris lat. 12302, the commentary of Haimo of Auxerre on Ezechiel 17.15-17.30: Coffee break 17.30: David Ganz, Universität Münster - Visione e iscrizione. Le illustrazioni di Isaia e Daniele nei commentari hieronymiani di Bamberg Msc. Bibl. 22 e 76 18.15: Giuseppa Zanichelli, Università di Parma - Miniatura e sistemi di memoria nel codice tardo-antico e altomedievale 19.00: Aperitivo at Villa Barberini 20.00: Dinner at La Veranda, hosted by The University of Notre Dame and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Michael Gorman |