Lexis Progetti Editoriali Collane Archivio Italiano: Textual data-bases on CD-ROM I commenti danteschi dei secoli XIV, XV e XVI by Paolo Procaccioli The CD-ROM contains a complete data bank of the historic commentaries of Divina Commedia: from Iacopo Alighieri to Ludovico Castelvetro and Torquato Tasso. The thirty commentaries collected compile all critiques systematically carried out between the XIV and XVI century. The included documents range from scattered private annotations about public readings to extensive treatises and systematic interpretations, outlining the evolution of a literary genre - the commento - which was central to the scholary work of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. The data bank opens a very quick and convenient access to source materials of Dante exegesis which were up to now mainly available only in 19 th century editions. In the cases of Landino and Vellutello it is the first modern edition after 16 th century. For the first time all on one disk, texts that comprise an historical, doctrinal, civil, critical and literary heritage have been collected and made available for reading and comparative querying. Research can be carried out on the basis of form or locus. The search for commentaries related to a specific verse, to one or more triplets or to a whole canto of the Commedia, offers the CD-ROM user the possibility of synoptic and comparative working which would otherwise be unthinkable. Moreover the data bank includes Dante's entire works in Latin and in vernacular. Iacopo Alighieri - Graziolo de' Bambagioli - Chiose latine - Iacopo della Lana - L'Ottimo commento - Chiose anonime (Selmi) - Pietro Alighieri - Chiose Ambrosiane - Guido da Pisa - Guglielmo Maramauro - Giovanni Boccaccio - Benvenuto da Imola - Falso Boccaccio (Chiose Vernon) - Francesco da Buti - Filippo Villani - Anonimo Fiorentino - Giovanni Bertoldi da Serravalle - Guininforte Barziza - Chiose Cagliaritane - Cristoforo Landino - Trifon Gabriele - Alessandro Vellutello - Ludovico Castelvetro - Bernardino Daniello - Torquato Tasso - G. B. Gelli - Pier Francesco Giambullari - Benedetto Varchi - Vincenzo Borghini - Galileo Galilei Dante: Detto d'amore - Il Fiore - Rime - Vita nuova - Convivio - Commedia - De vulgari Eloquentia - Monarchia - Epistole - Egloghe - Questio. Minimum system requirements PC Pentium ® 133 Mhz, Windows 3.1 and later, Windows 95/98/NT, 16 Mb RAM, 20 Mb of free hard disk space, CD-ROM-drive, mouse The retrieval software All full-text databases of the series "Archivio Italiano" use DTB for Windows (Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98/NT), a computerized system for handling and querying text files. It was developed by Eugenio Picchi at the "Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale" of the "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche" in Pisa. This institute has always been at the forefront, both in Italy and in Europe, as regards computational linguistics and computer applications for the humanities field. Word search
Search for word sets
Locus search In addition to the form search, the research engine allows instant retrieval of all passages of the Commentaries relating to a specific locus of Dante (single verse, triplet, groups of triplets, whole canto). |