Lexis Progetti Editoriali Collane Archivio Italiano 1. Francesco Petrarca: Opera omnia, by Pasquale Stoppelli This CD-ROM is a collection of all the works, in Latin and in the vernacular, of the founder of Italian Humanism and constitutes the first complete edition of Petrarch's work since the Basilean edition of the 16 th century. 2. Archivio della tradizione lirica da Petrarca a Marino by Amedeo Quondam The Italian Petrarchan tradition gathered together: in one data bank the works of 112 authors from Petrarch to Marino and the most important collections of the 13 th century rhyme: Poesie musicali del Trecento, Rimatori bolognesi del Trecento e del Quattrocento, Lirici toscani del Quattrocento, Testi del primo Certame coronario, Rime del Codice Isoldiano, Canti carnascialeschi del Rinascimento, Poesie dei Fidenzian, Rime inedite del Cinquecento, Rime degli Accademici Eterei and a representative collection of poets from the 13-14 th centuries based on the collection Sonetti e Canzoni di diversi antichi autori toscani (Florence 1527). 3. Torquato Tasso: Tutte le opere by Amedeo Quondam The complete works of the most representative Italian writer of the second half of the 1500s, accompanied by a collection of documents which includes a complete collection of letters, and Tasso's biography by G. B. Manso. 4. Giacomo Leopardi: Tutte le opere by Lucio Felici The first electronic edition of the complete works of Leopardi, from his childhood to his last years in Naples, including all the draft copies of the Canti, the collection of letters from his corrispondents, the two chrestomathies and his commentary about Petrarch. 5. I commenti danteschi dei secoli XIV, XV e XVI by Paolo Procaccioli The CD-ROM contains a complete data base of the historic commentaries of Divina Commedia: from Iacopo Alighieri to Ludovico Castelvetro and Torquato Tasso. The thirty commentaries collected compile all critiques systematically carried out between the XIV and XVI century. The included documents range from scattered private annotations about public readings to extensive treatises and systematic interpretations, outlining the evolution of a literary genre - the commento - which was central to the scholary work of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. The data base opens a very quick and convenient access to source materials of Dante exegesis which were up to now mainly available only in 19 th century editions. In the cases of Landino and Vellutello it is the first modern edition after 16 th century. Research can be carried out on the basis of form or locus. The search for commentaries related to a specific verse, to one or more triplets or to a whole canto of the Commedia, offers the CD-ROM user the possibility of synoptic and comparative working which would otherwise be unthinkable. Moreover the data bank includes Dante's entire works in Latin and in vernacular. |