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Archivio Italiano: Textual data-bases on CD-ROM

Archivio della tradizione lirica da Petrarca a Marino by Amedeo Quondam

The Italian Petrarchan tradition gathered together: in one data bank the works of 112 authors from Petrarch to Marino and the most important collections of the 13 th century rhyme: Poesie musicali del Trecento, Rimatori bolognesi del Trecento e del Quattrocento, Lirici toscani del Quattrocento, Testi del primo Certame coronario, Rime del Codice Isoldiano, Canti carnascialeschi del Rinascimento, Poesie dei Fidenzian, Rime inedite del Cinquecento, Rime degli Accademici Eterei and a representative collection of poets from the 13-14 th centuries based on the collection Sonetti e Canzoni di diversi antichi autori toscani (Florence 1527).


Minimum system requirements

PC Pentium ® 133 Mhz, Windows 3.1 and later, Windows 95/98/NT, 16 Mb RAM, 20 Mb of free hard disk space, CD-ROM-drive, mouse

The bibliographies of reference editions are available for consultation on our website http://www.lexis.it or can be requested at the representative office of the publishing house.

The retrieval software

All textual databases  use DTB for Windows (Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98/NT), a computerized system for handling and querying text files. It was developed by Eugenio Picchi at the "Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale" of the "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche" in Pisa. This institute has always been at the forefront, both in Italy and in Europe, as regards computational linguistics and computer applications for the humanities field.

Word search

  • search for frequency and locus of any word in a text
  • search for single words or strings (including wildcards, fuzzy search and right/left hand truncation)

  • search in the main text itself or in accessory components (notes, apparatus, appendices)

  • search on the whole corpus or only a part

  • search restricted to points of the text that meet certain characteristics

  • (logical references, personage, verse-ending words)


  • concordances can refer to the whole text, to one or more text units or they can be intertextual
  • concordances may be viewed on the monitor or printed on paper

  • choice of format (context length, KWIC mode, styles and sizes, etc.) is left to the user

Search for word sets

  • sets may contain a large number of forms linked together by using logical operators AND, OR, AND NOT
  • search in single text or corpus

  • choice of format (context dimension, distance parameter, sequence of the co-occurring forms, etc.) is left to the user

  • calculation of the statistical co-occurrence value of one word in a text with all the other words in that text (mutual information)

  • phonosynctactic, morphosynctactic, stylistic search


  • index in alphabetical order of all text forms
  • index in descending alphabetical order of forms
  • index of words in descending order with respect to their absolute frequency

  • index locorum

  • alphabetical list of all verses present in the text

  • rhyming dictionary (descending alphabetical list of all verses present in the text)

  • list of the more frequently appearing character/word sequences

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