Edizioni Cadmo Collane I saggi di "Letteratura italiana antica" collana diretta da Antonio Lanza This important new series on Italian literature from its origins to the time of Lorenzo il Magnifico has, as its point of reference, the great fourteenth-century tradition in its variegated expression represented not only by major but also by minor texts, not all of which are necessarily of the strictly literary genre. The authors are all scholars of the highest level in the field of Italian studies. Volume 1 Gorni, Guglielmo: Dante prima della Commedia, Fiesole (Firenze), Cadmo, 2001 Volume 2 Baranski, Zygmunt G.: Chiosar con altro testo : leggere Dante nel Trecento, Fiesole (Firenze), Cadmo, 2001 Volume 3 Marcello Ciccuto, Figure d'artista: la nascita delle immagini alle origini della letteratura, Fiesole (Firenze) Cadmo, 2002 |